— Therapeutic Method

Higher Self Therapy

More about
Higher Self Therapy

Who is the program designed for?
What is in the program?

What are the benefits of Higher Self Therapy?

By connecting and communicating with the Higher Self, individuals may gain greater insight into their patterns of thought, behavior, and emotions. This can help them to identify areas for personal growth and development.

The Higher Self is often seen as a source of wisdom and guidance. Through higher self therapy, individuals may be able to access this wisdom and gain greater clarity around important life decisions and challenges.

The deep relaxation and meditative practices used in Higher Self Therapy can help to reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and inner peace.

Higher self therapy can be a valuable tool for individuals seeking to deepen their connection to a higher power and explore spiritual themes and questions.

By fully aware communication with their Higher Self, individuals may be able to gain greater clarity around their goals and aspirations, and develop an action plan for achieving them.

Higher self therapy may be a helpful adjunct to traditional psychotherapy for individuals experiencing emotional or mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or trauma

Higher self therapy can be a gentle and supportive therapeutic method that can help individuals to gain insight, guidance, and personal growth. However, it is important to note that higher self therapy may not be appropriate for everyone, and that individuals should consult with a qualified mental health professional to determine whether this method is a good fit for their specific needs and circumstances.

What is Higher Self Therapy?

Higher Self Therapy is a therapeutic method that aims to help individuals connects and communicate with their Higher Self, which is believed to be a source of loving wisdom and guidance. The higher self is often described as the part of the individual that exists beyond the physical body and ego, and is connected to a greater consciousness or spiritual realm.


The process of Higher Self Therapy typically involves several steps. First, the therapist and individual work together to create a safe and supportive environment for the therapy session. This may involve relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, to help the individual enter into a state of deep relaxation and receptivity.


Once the individual is relaxed, the therapist may guide them through a visualization or meditation exercise to help them connect with their Higher Self. This may involve imagining a staircase, a bridge, or another symbol of connection to the higher self. The individual may then engage in a dialogue with their higher self, asking questions and allowing the answers to come from within.

These messanges may come in the form of direct communication, images, symbols, animals or colours while being fully aware of the process.

After the dialogue with the higher self, the therapist may help the individual to integrate the insights and guidance received into their daily life. This may involve developing an action plan, setting goals, or practicing mindfulness and self-reflection. The therapist may also follow up with the individual after the therapy session to provide additional support or guidance as needed.

Higher self therapy is often used as an adjunct to traditional psychotherapy and can be helpful for a wide range of individuals seeking to gain insight, guidance, and personal growth. It is often used as a tool for exploring spiritual themes and questions, deepening one’s connection to a higher power, and gaining greater self-awareness. However, it is important to note that higher self therapy may not be appropriate for everyone, and that individuals should consult with a qualified mental health professional to determine whether this method is a good fit for their specific needs and circumstances.

Higher Self Therapy assistance with me

All you have to do now is to take the first step. Contact me or check my booking schedule to find out if who I am and what I can offer suits your individual needs.